Thanks to your donations we can help children to change their lives and have a better future.
When you partner with us, you help us bring a solution for the afflictions our children faces. With your help, our Foundation works day by day to transmit Christian and human values to vulnerable sectors, through programs focused on the Spiritual, Sports, Education and Arts. We strongly believe every child deserves a future, We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share. Together we achieve results, together we change lives.
Juan Guzmán Foundation offer to children Daily Skills Training Classes to help them develop in different sports: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, etc. Our goal is to build confidence, self esteem and self discipline through skill development.
We also focus on developing our children’s minds, this is key to making our children faster and more explosive by eliminating thinking.

We continually strive to help our children lead better and healthier lives and to strengthen the communities in which they live. Our foundation advocacy efforts and help to support this mission.
Our work aims to reset the odds so that people have an improved set of opportunities to live healthy, economically stable and self-determined lives.
Our Foundation is dedicated to transforming the education so that all children can acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives.
We fund efforts to expand learning opportunities and supports for children, particularly those from low‑ and moderate-income communities.

Our Foundation also promotes tournaments, we recently had a Baseball International Exchange Canada – Dominican Republic thanks to the teamwork between Caribbean Baseball Goodwill Tours and Juan Guzmán Foundation.
Tournaments help our children to feel motivated and look for a better future for their lives, thanks to your donations we can achieve this and much more.
We are called to share the many gifts and talents we have received from God. Promoting the principles of Pray, Serve, Give, the Foundation assists our community with education, training and materials.
We are encouraged to live our lives as disciples of Christ by sharing what we have with others, respecting our neighbors and assisting those less fortunate.

Juan Guzmán Foundation often develops workshops to strengthen the knowledge of the members of the foundation, both children and adults.
We focus on improving our community through imparting knowledge, each of the workshops we do is thanks to your donations and help
Your donation is very important for us, with your help you make the dreams of many come true,
help us to help.
For Checks:
P.O BOX 267338 Weston, Fl 33326